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Monday, October 13, 2008

Normally I don't want to use this as a commercial endorsement pulpit but...

Hello everybody, for those of you that live in Asia or the Bahamas or the islands where getting Western textbook is not easy where we can't just go to Borders or something to get the book, where we rely on online shopping. I just want to say I had a great experience with the following vendors from and

I would have to give mad props to Buckeye Bookworm, a vendor from the US Amazon site, I ordered Globalization from them, the order shipped out on the 7th of October and arrived here today (Oct 14), a week after it shipped out. Plus the owner handwrote thanks and signed his name AND...he gave us a bookmark. Way to go, mad kudos to you, buckeye bookworm, sorry to say USC kicked your school's butt :) Highly recommend. Another thing, although I bought the book used, the book is in great condition. If you need any kind of books from here, the owner's name is Jeffrey Catron and his email address is

I ordered Survey Methods in Social Investigation (for Stats) from Abe Books, they said the book was in good condition. Yes, they stated it was an ex-library book, I understood that. This book is not in good condition, they just relaminated the cover and re-glued the pages to the binder, and the pages have that you know yellow look when pages get old.

In other words, don't just believe the reviews you read on Amazon about a vendor (especially the positive ones), look for the negative reviews, they will have a far more telling tale than the positive ones.

For example, I ordered ethnicity from Amazon UK (used) from Powell (, I guess) they claimed to have shipped it out on the 3rd of October, yet I got all my other books that I ordered on the same day, today, yet there's no sign of Ethnicity.

One more plug for a great used/new book website: their shipping cost is only $3.97US worldwide, if you can afford to wait 3 weeks to get your books, by all means order from them.


  1. I'm a fellow uole student(3rd year). Off the bat, I don't mean to degrade what you're doing. But from your posts, I somehow get the feeling that you have this initial enthusiasm that is going to peter off in the coming months. You're creating blogs for each unit? lse e on youtube? Simplify your web presence until it doesn't look so outrageous.

    I converse with a few students and they have independently told me of the over-enthu guy on yansa. I hadn't logged on in a while. These are some wise people on yansa and they are not terribly pleased with your excessive posting there. Look around, how many people post and how often they post. People like frankie don't post often but have a lot of useful stuff to say. You're going to be studying this degree for 3 years or more. Be respectful and maintain etiquette on the forum. Don't refer to anyone with the term "dude". The written language influences perception.

    This degree is called the uol external program(rosemary said so.) Don't unnecessarily link uol and lse. Its what you gain through the degree that matters, not throwing around names.

    I haven't received the vle resources but I hope you don't flood the forum there too. If you have too much energy, go learn to play a guitar, go run, play a sport, you're not helping your cause by creating this whole phalanx of blogs and postings that will be abandoned in a few months.

    Trust me, put your effort in your studies. Otherwise, start working and earn some money rather than wasting time like this.

    I wanted to post this in a relatively private place rather than on the yansa forum. I hope you take it as good advice rather than someone trying to denigrate you.

  2. id
    Thursday, October 16, 2008
    My reply to anonymous
    To anonymous, first of all you're a chicken, the typical internet pencil neck geek. First of all, you know nothing about me. I do play the guitar, I run my own trading business, I weight lift, know some professional bodybuilders that I can call friends, I'm well known in the bodybuilding scene in this country, I've been on TV.

    If you've read my blogs and any of my other postings, I've stated a million times that I made this for me, for selfish reasons, so that when I go to a client meeting or I don't have access to a library so I can look at my notes without carrying around a backpack. So by posting as anonymous this shows me you're a coward.
    My reply to anonymous

    This is why I don't care what "anonymous" says or what people behind my back says because if you don't have enough courage to say things to anybody's face that means you talk behind other people's back and that's a testament to your character.

    This is for my purpose #1, so that as I study, I post notes for myself. I've said this many times.

  3. to anonymous,
    everyone is entitled to an opinion...
    if u feel so strongly about it u should at least have the courage to sign ur post
