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Thursday, October 30, 2008

Mad Props to this Website, The Best Online Dictionary ever

I have to say this is the best online dictionary I have discovered, it has multiple definitions, especially math, it was especially helpful in understanding Economic terms that I couldn't find elsewhere, click HERE to go there. I love it.

Here's excerpt of an example of one of the definitions I looked up, for the complete rundown here's the LINK

6 dictionary results for: transitive Unabridged (v 1.1) - Cite This Source - Share This


[tran-si-tiv, -zi-] Show IPA Pronunciation
1. Grammar. having the nature of a transitive verb.
2. characterized by or involving transition; transitional; intermediate.
3. passing over to or affecting something else; transeunt.
4. Mathematics. noting a relation in which one element in relation to a second element and the second in relation to a third element implies the first element is in relation to the third element, as the relation “less than or equal to.”
5. Grammar. transitive verb.

1550–60; < class="ital-inline">trānsitīvus, equiv. to L trānsit(us) (see transition ) + -īvus -ive

Monday, October 27, 2008

Thursday, October 23, 2008

E - Book lovers Blog

Discovered this blog by accident. Anyways, this gentlemen has a lot of e-books you can download, some light reading, some heavy reading and some things in between.

Click HERE for the link, his latest offering US News & World Report, check it out.

Other helpful resource blog, It's called the Free Science Video & Lectures blog, I borrowed some of this posts and put it up here, but this is more towards Science (he was a Science major). Through him I learned about a lot of resources and we check in with each other email wise...Anyways I will post what's relevant to our major and modules :)

Click HERE for his link.

Sunday, October 19, 2008

A reply to Jen's comment

Hello Jen,

Thank you for your kind comments, I will upload related lectures for sociology HERE

Just point your mouse over the mp3 box and right click and choose save link as (for Firefox) or save target as (for IE users)

Let me know if there are other lectures or videos you're interested in.

Friday, October 17, 2008

What the LSE degree will say debate

This is my reply on Yansa, on this TOPIC

My older brother always told me, the paper may get you to the interview but it's not going to guarantee that you get the job. Through my own experience, I always find it that a lot of people really don't know how to interview. This is why back in the days in the US, I always got the job over people that were more qualified than me "ON PAPER" because of my superior interview skills and interpersonal skills. Nowhere have I read in this forum about the importance of interpersonal skills and learning about basic things about other cultures, such as basic greetings in multiple languages, knowing about the foods, clothes, pop culture etc. I also don't see the emphasis on being a well rounded and balanced person, such as playing instruments, learning multiple languages, volunteering and giving back to society. If you do these things you'll be changed as a person and it will show in the way you speak and in your mannerisms and how you treat other people. This is why respect is just a concept to many people, they just don't have a grasp of the reality of what respect really means. It means doing all the things I mentioned in the prior paragraph and more, then you will gain an understanding and appreciation for "WHAT IT TAKES" to be good at something and your words will carry weight in the interview and with people you meet. Whatever the degree states is secondary to fulfilling yourself as a person, then you will earn the respect of the interviewer and get the job over the person who is supposedly better than you "ON PAPER".

Thursday, October 16, 2008

My reply To Anonymous, I'm really really sorry for the rant.

Someone that knows nothing about somebody has so much to say. In the US, there's a famous saying, "Everyone's a critic." If you don't like it, you don't have to come, probably barely passed your tests. You don't know anything about me but you have so much life advice for me. I don't even give advice to my best friends, because they're grown, they know what they're doing, yet you can give advice to a total stranger, I don't know, but I did you the courtesy of highlighting your quotes and replying.

For the people, that do appreciate and like my blog, I'm sorry for the rant, but I hate critics #1 (most of them accomplished nothing in their life) and I hate internet critics who don't have the courage to identify themselves (BTW I know who it is, but since I'm a respectful person, I won't out you, I don't believe in throwing people under the bus)

Highlights of anonymous' quotes:

1. "If you have too much energy, go learn to play a guitar, go run, play a sport"

I do play the guitar, bodybuilding is one of my biggest passions, I weight lift religiously, I know a couple of pro bodybuilders I can call anytime, email anytime, I'm very well known in the Korean bodybuilding scene, I've been on TV, here's the clip HERE I run my own trading business and I've stated many times I started this for my own selfish reasons so I have access to my own notes when I'm out on client meetings and when I can't carry around my backpack with my books, so I can study anytime anywhere.

2. "Trust me, put your effort in your studies. Otherwise, start working and earn some money rather than wasting time like this."

See comment #1. You probably barely passed all your test and you're hating because you lack the discipline and the motivation and you're taking your frustration out on me. Say it to my face, identify yourself. Otherwise I don't care what anybody has to say if they can't put a name & face to what they post on the net. I call people like you "INTERNET TOUGH GUYS, OOPS, INTERNET TOUGH PEOPLE OR INTERNET WARRIORS" I created this for my own personal notes, if there's a side benefit, that's bonus.

3. " hope you take it as good advice rather than someone trying to denigrate you. "

Isn't it funny, when people try to denigrate us or insult us, they always have the disclaimer, "I'm not trying to insult you or denigrate you, it's for your own good." I laugh when I hear or read this because normally people that have so much advice usually are the unhappiest people and have a chaotic life and have the most drama. You know I'm right people, next time you see someone that has so much advice, look at their life. I'll bet you statistically 95% of them have miserable lives and they probably don't have any control over their life :)

5. "I'm a fellow uole student(3rd year). Off the bat, I don't mean to degrade what you're doing. But from your posts, I somehow get the feeling that you have this initial enthusiasm that is going to peter off in the coming months.

Once again she opened with "I DON'T MEAN TO DEGRADE". This disclaimer always means "I'm going to degrade you." LOL, The enthusiasm will peter, your enthusiasm petered off, so don't use your reality my reality. You're probably the many people, the many faces in my gym that enthusiastically joins a gym and quits. You're probably the many people that start to learn an instrument and quits. You're probably the person who starts to study a new language and quits. I play the guitar, taught myself the piano, taught myself how to type (70 wpm, thank you very much), taught myself MS Excel, MS Access, Dreamweaver, podcasting, Japanese, Spanish (still working in progress), Korean.

4.  "These are some wise people on yansa and they are not terribly pleased with your excessive posting there. People like frankie don't post often but have a lot of useful stuff to say."

Don't include other people in your argument, you're not their represntative, congress woman, if they have something to say, then they should say it.  And they're wise because you say so?  If they don't like it, there's a thing called a REPLY button on my posts, use it or is it because you fear my reply knowing that I will OWN you with my superior reply

OK, I'm sorry for posting alternative textbook resources, links to lecture and video sites that may be of help to many other students, since I felt it was helpful to me, it would be helpful to other people, I believe in sharing so we can all do good.  Maybe you're a selfish person that likes to keep helpful information to yourself and your little clique, I'm sorry I'm not cliquish.  Gee, I'm really really sorry for posting a video on how to use technology to your best advantage (subscribing to podcasts, etc).  

People like you are such hypocrites because if one of your clique members did the same exact thing I'm doing, you'd call them a genius, doing a great thing.  IF I was in my 20's perhaps I would try to appease, you're talking to a guy in his 30's that's been in the military, played organized sports, grew up in 2 countries, lived in 4 countries, speak multiples languages, you think you can insult, denigrate me.  

You can tell a lot about people by what they say.  For example, if a person tells me, "you made a mistake, don't worry about it, let's fix it."  This tells me this person is a person with a strong work ethic and understands reality and doesn't have normative thinking and they understand what hard work it takes to be good at anything.

Whereas a person, that says, "You should do this, do that, do it that way, do it that way."  This tells me you never did anything in your life, so you don't know what it takes to be good at anything because everything you tried or started you gave up, you lack stick-to-it-ness.

She stated "I don't meant to degrade, denigrate, insult" 3 times, so don't you think, it's an insult, denigration, and degradation comment? If you don't like it, don't come, if you don't like what's on TV, turn the channel, if you don't like what's on the radio, turn the knob. Eesh, critics.

Once again I'm sorry for the rant, once again the criticism didn't bother me, it's the fact this person wants to talk crap behind the veil of "ANONYMOUS" without having the courage of identifying themselves and not owning up to what they have to say.

BTW - I know who you are, and if you deny it, then it makes you a bigger coward for not being able to own up to what you have to say.

Once again, I'm sorry, really sorry for the rant.

Monday, October 13, 2008

Normally I don't want to use this as a commercial endorsement pulpit but...

Hello everybody, for those of you that live in Asia or the Bahamas or the islands where getting Western textbook is not easy where we can't just go to Borders or something to get the book, where we rely on online shopping. I just want to say I had a great experience with the following vendors from and

I would have to give mad props to Buckeye Bookworm, a vendor from the US Amazon site, I ordered Globalization from them, the order shipped out on the 7th of October and arrived here today (Oct 14), a week after it shipped out. Plus the owner handwrote thanks and signed his name AND...he gave us a bookmark. Way to go, mad kudos to you, buckeye bookworm, sorry to say USC kicked your school's butt :) Highly recommend. Another thing, although I bought the book used, the book is in great condition. If you need any kind of books from here, the owner's name is Jeffrey Catron and his email address is

I ordered Survey Methods in Social Investigation (for Stats) from Abe Books, they said the book was in good condition. Yes, they stated it was an ex-library book, I understood that. This book is not in good condition, they just relaminated the cover and re-glued the pages to the binder, and the pages have that you know yellow look when pages get old.

In other words, don't just believe the reviews you read on Amazon about a vendor (especially the positive ones), look for the negative reviews, they will have a far more telling tale than the positive ones.

For example, I ordered ethnicity from Amazon UK (used) from Powell (, I guess) they claimed to have shipped it out on the 3rd of October, yet I got all my other books that I ordered on the same day, today, yet there's no sign of Ethnicity.

One more plug for a great used/new book website: their shipping cost is only $3.97US worldwide, if you can afford to wait 3 weeks to get your books, by all means order from them.

Sunday, October 12, 2008

A new community on Yansa for BSc Management majors

Hey guys, with the limit of my blog and email, I created this community HERE so we can post our homework, discussions, answers, etc here, let's meet here for discussions

Thursday, October 9, 2008

The European Union and the Challenge of Globalisation

London School of Economics: Public lectures and events - Matti Vanhanen
Matti Vanhanen is prime minister of Finland. Prior to this served as defence minister and he has been a member of the Finnish Parliament since 1991. Finland currently holds the rotating presidency of the European Union.

Migration and Social Transformation

London School of Economics: Public lectures and events - Professor Stephen Castles
Growing interest in migration research reflects the politicisation of international migration but this could lead to policy-driven research, cut off from critical analysis.

The Two Faces of Asia: bridging the gap between high growth economies and the poor

London School of Economics: Public lectures and events
Despite impressive growth over the past few decades, the Asia Pacific region is still home to two-thirds of the world's poor. In many Asian countries, the gap between rich and poor is widening and policymakers are faced with extraordinary challenges

Multiculturalism and Secularism

London School of Economics: Public lectures and events
Can multicultural inclusivity extend to religious minorities? Can it do so without conflicting with secularism? Tariq Modood is professor of sociology, politics and public policy at Bristol University.

Wednesday, October 8, 2008


For all of you studying hard or needing to start studying hard, let's take a moment to not take things too seriously and take a laugh break, hope this video will facilitate that :)

Sunday, October 5, 2008

Syllabus for October for all the units I'm taking

A shoutout to all my study buddies (or is it mates in the English vernacular?), sorry I speak American not English :P so please bear with me :(

Anyways for syllabus on how we're going to study, click on any of the subject below and if you would like to join our study group send me a PM by clicking on of the links below:

My Yansa profile

My Facebook profile

Please if you do an add friend on my FB profile, please write a message letting me know who you are!!!

Anyways for the syllabus just click on any of the subjects you're interested in and it'll take you to that page :)

02 Intro to Economics
04a Stats1
05a Maths1
21 Principles of Sociology
25 Principles of Accounting

Friday, October 3, 2008

The Economist's Best MBA Programs 2009

For those of you looking into a DISTANCE MBA Program

The Economist Magazine (their economist intelligence unit) ranks the best online MBA programs, just click on any of the contents to take you to the page

Main Page

The Ranking

No longer the poor relation

Distance learning special: Advantages and disadvantages

Distance learning special: How to choose a school

BLOG: Your views - You can read what the readers think

The latest issue of the Athens Newletter Take Aim Issue # 7

UoL External Students Groups

Just wanted to give a shout out to Yansa message board and Facebook Group UoL External Students and everybody at LinkedIn our LSE External students group: To join any of these groups please click on the group you wish join below.

Yansa UoL external students Forum

Facebook UoL external students Group

LinkedIn LSE external students Group - emphasis and focus on LSE External Students

Hope to see you there